I've been unwell for three weeks. I started seeing someone three weeks ago.
Why do the two coincide?
I went to the doctor's a week ago. She told me I had a virus. Of course, there was nothing I could do about that. I refuse to take medication. I merely hate the idea of taking powdered balls to chemically alter my body. Don't we breathe in enough chemicals? Don't we induce enough chemicals into our foods? I can't stand it. Pills, and medication to feel better. How has this become such an accepted way to our society? What happened to rest? To exercise? To taking care of our precious tool: the body. The abuse we put ourselves through... and then the abuse we blame everyone else for... I can never wrap my head around it.
But it has been three weeks and although my days aren't so bad, my nights, I feel much worse. Coughing up my lungs, struggling to do that simple thing we call breathing. Feeling much like I may die before morning comes. What an awful thought... what an awful feeling.
I told the doctor I've been sick and need something to fix me up because I'm tired of it. He prescribed me medication. Two pills a day that I should probably take with food because it will upset my stomach. In fact, if it happens to upset my stomach so badly, I should probably shift to only one pill a day. Great. The lovely results of medication. I told him I needed birth control too. He passed it out as if it was free candy at a parade. I told him I never had it before. He looked at me blankly. What? So I decide now it's a good idea to be safe, get over it.
I didn't think much of it until I got to the pharmacy. I handed in my prescription and shopped around for twenty minutes. Finished. Grabbed myself a magazine to read why Katie wanted things to end with Tom. I can't believe it took three years for that headline to make the page. My beeper buzzed, and like Pavlov's dog, I responded accordingly, wandering over to receive my scripts. I waited a minute for the pharmacist to have a chat with me about my prescriptions. She repeated the upset stomach side effects; eating food when taking the meds; making sure it's at the same time of the day; repeating for ten days. Then she sent me off. I didn't go anywhere. I looked at her and asked, "what about the other one?"
She gave me that same look, "Oh, this is your first time with this one as well?"
Why is that such a big surprise to everyone? Do I look like a whore? Clearly not. I figured it's probably a good idea to be smart about these things, especially since I am an expecting aunt to a child who was a mistake. Poor kid. Perhaps, we're all mistakes and our parents just make us believe we were wanted and planned....
So here I was, standing at the counter hearing all the things I heard before about birth control.
Be sure to take it everyday at the same time.
If you miss a day, don't double up.
For the first three months, use another form of protection.
It will take the three months to regulate your body.
Are you regular already? No. Pregnancy scares all the time.
This may in fact regulate your periods then.
The end week are sugar pills. You can take them in order to develop the habit of taking pills every day, but if you don't, remember to start your pills again the following week.
Start on Sunday.
Oh God. Pills to robot my body into regulation and prevent the gift of life? Just to have sex?
Welp, seems worth it.
Why doesn't it feel right though? Why do I struggle to take man-made medications- that of vitamins, cough syrup, sore throat, birth control...? I just cannot fathom using chemicals to voluntarily pollute my body more than it already is. Is it because I've been reading too many science fiction stories for my topics in literature course!? That can't be it. I felt strongly about pills long before that course. A pill everyday? Don't skip, don't double up, don't rely one hundred per cent... oh fuck, don't tell me what to do! But then what... get pregnant? Don't have sex? Are either of those even an option!? Is staying sick an option?
Maybe I need to change cultures. Go somewhere you can pop kids out as they come. Somewhere we eat natural foods. That place where the sky is blue and the grass is green, the air is fresh, and chemicals just simply do not exist. The place love can be expressed safely and freely and people are healthy and do what they want to do, anytime of the day.
Maybe I should just go write my paper on culture....
Tuesday April 22 2008. earth day... wish it was as clean as my dreams.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
the fear of love
So I stare at love straight in the face.
The love I crave and write endless words about. The love that comes from fairy tales and storybooks. The prince to sweep you off your feet and carry you away on a horse carriage kind of love. The love that scares the living shit right out of you. That kind of love.
I stare at it. Blankly. I know the feeling of vulnerability; of warmth; of pure fulfillment of emotion. The sort of feeling you always dream to have. But this time, my biggest fear is not the love... it is the dream.
See in love it can so easily make us blind. All you see are the bright lights and all you feel are those crazy warm fuzzies inside. You forget the time, where you're going and sometimes even who you are. It all just goes blank because somehow in love... it doesn't seem to matter anymore. And it is that which scares me most.
The dream is not the dream of love; but the dream of dreams I plan to conquer. How do my dreams fit into love? When you begin a journey with someone, it becomes a path of two- but who's way do you decide to take? See, I'm stubborn. I've got some big dreams to live out. I've got a heart of love waiting to pour. I've got many grounds to walk along. I thought I was ready for love; I feel I am ready for love. However, I am not ready to give up my dreams- they are the only thing I've always had. I am a person to dream big; to do big things. Love should simply accompany that; not get in the way of it.
Yet, here I am, hesitating...again. I feel like I lied to myself, thinking I was ready to open my heart with someone. I can feel that wall is slowly creeping up again. I thought for sure I was ready this time. In this hesitation, I know I am ready, but I cannot let myself change, because I know how easily that can happen... how easily we lose ourselves to love and I am not willing to lose myself to anything; even that love I crave.
I suppose in any situation it is fear that creates a challenge for us. If we didn't fear, we would never think first; or feel an accomplishment when we overcome a fear that attempts to stop us from doing something. So in this love that I crave and incredibly fear; I need to know my dreams will be safe. It has never seemed more important than it does right now. They have never felt so threatened.
Funny how this person is the one to have said, "you need to protect your dreams" ...maybe that's why I love him.
written April 11, 2008 1:02 am
The love I crave and write endless words about. The love that comes from fairy tales and storybooks. The prince to sweep you off your feet and carry you away on a horse carriage kind of love. The love that scares the living shit right out of you. That kind of love.
I stare at it. Blankly. I know the feeling of vulnerability; of warmth; of pure fulfillment of emotion. The sort of feeling you always dream to have. But this time, my biggest fear is not the love... it is the dream.
See in love it can so easily make us blind. All you see are the bright lights and all you feel are those crazy warm fuzzies inside. You forget the time, where you're going and sometimes even who you are. It all just goes blank because somehow in love... it doesn't seem to matter anymore. And it is that which scares me most.
The dream is not the dream of love; but the dream of dreams I plan to conquer. How do my dreams fit into love? When you begin a journey with someone, it becomes a path of two- but who's way do you decide to take? See, I'm stubborn. I've got some big dreams to live out. I've got a heart of love waiting to pour. I've got many grounds to walk along. I thought I was ready for love; I feel I am ready for love. However, I am not ready to give up my dreams- they are the only thing I've always had. I am a person to dream big; to do big things. Love should simply accompany that; not get in the way of it.
Yet, here I am, hesitating...again. I feel like I lied to myself, thinking I was ready to open my heart with someone. I can feel that wall is slowly creeping up again. I thought for sure I was ready this time. In this hesitation, I know I am ready, but I cannot let myself change, because I know how easily that can happen... how easily we lose ourselves to love and I am not willing to lose myself to anything; even that love I crave.
I suppose in any situation it is fear that creates a challenge for us. If we didn't fear, we would never think first; or feel an accomplishment when we overcome a fear that attempts to stop us from doing something. So in this love that I crave and incredibly fear; I need to know my dreams will be safe. It has never seemed more important than it does right now. They have never felt so threatened.
Funny how this person is the one to have said, "you need to protect your dreams" ...maybe that's why I love him.
written April 11, 2008 1:02 am
Saturday, April 5, 2008
on being naked
Naked. Nothing on: no clothes; no shoes; no necklace; no ring; and no, not even socks. Naked. Revealing what I cover. I cover with clothing, with a style I create as my image; the image I choose for you to see. Just an image. The person I choose you to see; maybe not quite the person I really am. No. Not the person I am.
Naked. Revealing who I am.
To love who you are. I look in the mirror, looking myself in the eye; looking deep and seeing the person underneath, whom I protect. To love that person.
Naked. Unable to look that person in the eye; only looking at the flaws that cover the person. The body that is far from meeting perfect. The body I determine as the person I am. I hate it.
Love the body. The body is our greatest tool; the tool we use to do; to create and to be. Protect the body; care and love the body.
I crave a cigarette. Somehow the mental state worships it; the body disintegrates. I pollute my lungs; I pollute my blood stream. The inhale passes through my entire body, loosening the tight areas, releasing with exhale into the air and out... away forever. My body builds tar inside for a five minute break to take time to inhale and exhale, outside in 'fresh' air, perhaps with a friend to chat with. Can I just take that five minutes, please? All I really need is the time to breathe, to inhale the air that captures my inner toxins and releases them outside of the body; the body I need to protect.
I eat. I feel guity. I hate what my body looks like because I eat. So I eat more and more and more. Then I don't eat at all. I skip meals and think my body will look better. If I look better, I'll feel better. I only feel worse. I torture my body- suffer in hunger, I hate you. Eat the stored fats and allow me to disintegrate. Again. Instead, it holds onto the fats because I deprive it of proper nutrients. It shuffles to hold onto whatever it possibly can, for I hold back from nurturing my body; from loving my body. Is this not the only way? I need to fit in the clothes I cover who I really am with- to be an image you can approve of. I want to reach your expectations. Then I will love my body too... when you do.
I cut. Frustration, pain, hate, anger- mere emotion- it builds and builds and builds and I have no idea how to control it anymore. I want to scream, I want to cry... sometimes I just want to die. Oh... but I don't want to die. Frustration and pain and anger and hate and love and missing love and tears that won't stop... I cut. It releases and no longer do I struggle to control it. It stings and it hurts. I bleed. And then I am still crying... and I scar my body. I hide what I did to myself; bury it under clothes you can determine as who I am. I hide it with a smile; with success; with money; with so many things to do that I even hide it from myself. Yet; when I am naked... I know. I hurt my body.
I do nothing. I am a useless piece of skin, that sits while the days pass by... one after another. I sit in the stands and watch others play the game. I tell them what they should be doing and how they should do it. They barely ever do it the right way. I could do it better- with my eyes closed. I feel heavy; low to the ground, tired. I sleep. My eyes are closed most of my life; my blinks are slow and heavy. My skin is dry. I don't even care anyway. My body disintegrates. Again.
Stupid. Ugly. Useless.
Fat. Lazy. Dense.
Revolting. Idiot. Gross.
I fill my mind. I believe it.
Don't judge me. I am my worst judge; you can't compete.
Naked. I can't bare to stay here. I cover myself. It becomes such a ritual, I believe I am who you see. I create my world as that image and you treat me as that image. The image I choose. A failure or a scholar. A bitch or a sweetheart. Busy or has time to listen. An ememy... or a friend. Why do I choose this one?
I ask myself.
And I constantly keep asking because I am not the person I let people see. I wish they did see, because when I stare in my eyes in my reflection I know I am pretty fucking amazing. I wish they knew that. Be naked. Be true- but not to others, to myself.
And love my body; it is my greatest tool. I am stronger than I think I am. Challenge my body, it needs to grow. Nurture my body, it needs to be strong. Breathe. Take time to think, don't allow myself to pollute who I am. I am the only one to see me naked; I won't allow anyone else see until I am happy with my reflection- with the person I am, not the person I pretend to be.
Be naked.
written april 5, 2008.
Naked. Revealing who I am.
To love who you are. I look in the mirror, looking myself in the eye; looking deep and seeing the person underneath, whom I protect. To love that person.
Naked. Unable to look that person in the eye; only looking at the flaws that cover the person. The body that is far from meeting perfect. The body I determine as the person I am. I hate it.
Love the body. The body is our greatest tool; the tool we use to do; to create and to be. Protect the body; care and love the body.
I crave a cigarette. Somehow the mental state worships it; the body disintegrates. I pollute my lungs; I pollute my blood stream. The inhale passes through my entire body, loosening the tight areas, releasing with exhale into the air and out... away forever. My body builds tar inside for a five minute break to take time to inhale and exhale, outside in 'fresh' air, perhaps with a friend to chat with. Can I just take that five minutes, please? All I really need is the time to breathe, to inhale the air that captures my inner toxins and releases them outside of the body; the body I need to protect.
I eat. I feel guity. I hate what my body looks like because I eat. So I eat more and more and more. Then I don't eat at all. I skip meals and think my body will look better. If I look better, I'll feel better. I only feel worse. I torture my body- suffer in hunger, I hate you. Eat the stored fats and allow me to disintegrate. Again. Instead, it holds onto the fats because I deprive it of proper nutrients. It shuffles to hold onto whatever it possibly can, for I hold back from nurturing my body; from loving my body. Is this not the only way? I need to fit in the clothes I cover who I really am with- to be an image you can approve of. I want to reach your expectations. Then I will love my body too... when you do.
I cut. Frustration, pain, hate, anger- mere emotion- it builds and builds and builds and I have no idea how to control it anymore. I want to scream, I want to cry... sometimes I just want to die. Oh... but I don't want to die. Frustration and pain and anger and hate and love and missing love and tears that won't stop... I cut. It releases and no longer do I struggle to control it. It stings and it hurts. I bleed. And then I am still crying... and I scar my body. I hide what I did to myself; bury it under clothes you can determine as who I am. I hide it with a smile; with success; with money; with so many things to do that I even hide it from myself. Yet; when I am naked... I know. I hurt my body.
I do nothing. I am a useless piece of skin, that sits while the days pass by... one after another. I sit in the stands and watch others play the game. I tell them what they should be doing and how they should do it. They barely ever do it the right way. I could do it better- with my eyes closed. I feel heavy; low to the ground, tired. I sleep. My eyes are closed most of my life; my blinks are slow and heavy. My skin is dry. I don't even care anyway. My body disintegrates. Again.
Stupid. Ugly. Useless.
Fat. Lazy. Dense.
Revolting. Idiot. Gross.
I fill my mind. I believe it.
Don't judge me. I am my worst judge; you can't compete.
Naked. I can't bare to stay here. I cover myself. It becomes such a ritual, I believe I am who you see. I create my world as that image and you treat me as that image. The image I choose. A failure or a scholar. A bitch or a sweetheart. Busy or has time to listen. An ememy... or a friend. Why do I choose this one?
I ask myself.
And I constantly keep asking because I am not the person I let people see. I wish they did see, because when I stare in my eyes in my reflection I know I am pretty fucking amazing. I wish they knew that. Be naked. Be true- but not to others, to myself.
And love my body; it is my greatest tool. I am stronger than I think I am. Challenge my body, it needs to grow. Nurture my body, it needs to be strong. Breathe. Take time to think, don't allow myself to pollute who I am. I am the only one to see me naked; I won't allow anyone else see until I am happy with my reflection- with the person I am, not the person I pretend to be.
Be naked.
written april 5, 2008.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
the world is mine
The world is my stage
I'm going to perform a show for everyone
The world is my canvas
I'm going to paint an abstract of reality
The world is my frame
I'm going to place in my print
The world is my game
I'm going to battle till the end
The world is my sand
I'm going to leave my footprints
The world is my paper
I'm going to write down my story
The world is my map
I'm going to travel every road
The world is my bed
I'm going to cuddle, while I dream
The world is my bath
I'm going to soak in the salts
The world is my microphone
I'm going to let my voice be heard
The world is my jeep
I'm going to ride it along
The world is my song
I'm going to sing it out loud
The world is mine
I'm going to create it
written April 3, 2008 3:01 am
I'm going to perform a show for everyone
The world is my canvas
I'm going to paint an abstract of reality
The world is my frame
I'm going to place in my print
The world is my game
I'm going to battle till the end
The world is my sand
I'm going to leave my footprints
The world is my paper
I'm going to write down my story
The world is my map
I'm going to travel every road
The world is my bed
I'm going to cuddle, while I dream
The world is my bath
I'm going to soak in the salts
The world is my microphone
I'm going to let my voice be heard
The world is my jeep
I'm going to ride it along
The world is my song
I'm going to sing it out loud
The world is mine
I'm going to create it
written April 3, 2008 3:01 am
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
settling for love
It's the end of the day; nearly the end of the night. I'm too tired to do anymore work; yet not quite tired enough to go to sleep. The only show I seem to sit down and watch is the episode after episode of Friends that I have fallen in love with. I finished my collection of the sitcom at Christmas and I watched each DVD from the beginning to the end, each and every episode until I reached the last one. I've been done for a few weeks now. I miss friends.
I'm not in the mood to sit and allow the television to pollute my brain anymore than it already is. It's that perfect time of night to put on a flick and cuddle with someone.
I play my guitar instead.
When the ex-boyfriend asks to hangout, it seems like a good idea to be friends. But I'm smart enough to know that I tried that. My best friend tells me you can't be friends with your ex's. I'm friends with all of mine, but this last one is a little different. She might be right about this one. A part of me loves the companionship; loves the mere idea of company at the end of the night. But is the love of company worth the settling down with someone you know you should stay clear from... even though he is the only one asking you to hang out- to chat, to laugh, to dance, to watch a flick... to cuddle. It seems harmless.
Things aren't always what they seem.
I suppose it's not him that I am really debating; in fact, I know it's not him I am debating. That has been over for years, and although debated over those years, it's quite evidently over. A nice guy, I can settle with saying- but not for me, to put gently. I do miss companionship and chats and laughs... dances and movies... and I definitely miss the cuddles. My stuffed monkey, George, well, he just doesn't cut it.
We're all looking for someone to love. As much as we want to deny that or claim we don't need someone... it is in our human nature to love, to touch, to feel... to hold. I found true love; a love of life. I surround myself with friends I am most definitely close to and whom I smother with my hugs and kisses. But I miss having that person to wake up next to, to get lost in their eyes and go for long walks; walks more enjoyed when it's raining. To kiss anywhere and everywhere. To fall into intimacy, while falling into love. To see every part of; to touch every part; to reveal every part of myself; to be so vulnerable. To feel so scared and so safe simultaneously. Oh how I miss being in love.
I debate if love is so beautiful you should allow yourself to always be in love. To fall for anyone willing to fall for you. I love being in love. However, I think what makes being in love with someone is not the being in love... it's the someone. I struggled growing up- stopping myself from falling in love with anyone willing to fall in love with me. I knew it was special and I was eager to experience it... but I really don't think it's worth the settle... is it? To settle just to love?
Tonight, I lay in bed. I cuddle close to George and I close my eyes. It feels like tonight I could settle... but instead I fall asleep- alone. Surprisingly, however, I don't feel lonely.
written april 1 2008 12::06- april 2.
I'm not in the mood to sit and allow the television to pollute my brain anymore than it already is. It's that perfect time of night to put on a flick and cuddle with someone.
I play my guitar instead.
When the ex-boyfriend asks to hangout, it seems like a good idea to be friends. But I'm smart enough to know that I tried that. My best friend tells me you can't be friends with your ex's. I'm friends with all of mine, but this last one is a little different. She might be right about this one. A part of me loves the companionship; loves the mere idea of company at the end of the night. But is the love of company worth the settling down with someone you know you should stay clear from... even though he is the only one asking you to hang out- to chat, to laugh, to dance, to watch a flick... to cuddle. It seems harmless.
Things aren't always what they seem.
I suppose it's not him that I am really debating; in fact, I know it's not him I am debating. That has been over for years, and although debated over those years, it's quite evidently over. A nice guy, I can settle with saying- but not for me, to put gently. I do miss companionship and chats and laughs... dances and movies... and I definitely miss the cuddles. My stuffed monkey, George, well, he just doesn't cut it.
We're all looking for someone to love. As much as we want to deny that or claim we don't need someone... it is in our human nature to love, to touch, to feel... to hold. I found true love; a love of life. I surround myself with friends I am most definitely close to and whom I smother with my hugs and kisses. But I miss having that person to wake up next to, to get lost in their eyes and go for long walks; walks more enjoyed when it's raining. To kiss anywhere and everywhere. To fall into intimacy, while falling into love. To see every part of; to touch every part; to reveal every part of myself; to be so vulnerable. To feel so scared and so safe simultaneously. Oh how I miss being in love.
I debate if love is so beautiful you should allow yourself to always be in love. To fall for anyone willing to fall for you. I love being in love. However, I think what makes being in love with someone is not the being in love... it's the someone. I struggled growing up- stopping myself from falling in love with anyone willing to fall in love with me. I knew it was special and I was eager to experience it... but I really don't think it's worth the settle... is it? To settle just to love?
Tonight, I lay in bed. I cuddle close to George and I close my eyes. It feels like tonight I could settle... but instead I fall asleep- alone. Surprisingly, however, I don't feel lonely.
written april 1 2008 12::06- april 2.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
bumping into you...
Oh my! How you've grown!
You look like your mother!
When did you get so tall?
Wow, how time flies.
How's school?
What are you going to do after?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Where do you work?
I haven't seen you in ages!
Where are you now?
How are your parents?
You look great!
I'm so sorry to hear what happened.
How are you doing?
I don't know what to say.
My condolences to your family.
What can ya do?
I heard the news!
That's great!
I'm so happy for you!
Are you excited?
It's so good to see you!
You look great!
How is everyone?
What are you up to these days?
You look great!
How is everyone?
What are you up to these days?
written march 28 2008 1157 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
For the A.D.D. Mind
Don't tell me what to do
Or put me in a room
With too many people
And things to do
Then ask me to be silent
Or to read to myself
I started my work
But discovered my hunger
I left to get something to eat
But answered the phone instead
I drove to pick up a friend
We stopped for a burger
I arrive at home
Only to find myself tired
I decide to lay for a nap
But my mind races on and on
I think of my list of things to do
And places I'd rather be
I find my day flies by
Even though the hours are so long
I get up to grab something
And notice something new
I sit down elsewhere
But what was my original task?
I can't sit for too long
Or stand in line
I love to talk
And struggle to hear your words
I'm quick on my toes
I work best under pressure
Don't pressure me
I don't know the time
I'll make it through the day
And somehow it'll all get done
I'd rather go for a run
I take hours to read a page
I can play guitar all day
I might forget to call
I get to work just in time
Customers love me
I finish my assignment in the AM
After being up all night
Somehow I'll graduate
And maybe start a career
I'll have my own kids
And drive my spouse crazy
All the chores will get done
In my own time
written march 26 2008 on my own time
Or put me in a room
With too many people
And things to do
Then ask me to be silent
Or to read to myself
I started my work
But discovered my hunger
I left to get something to eat
But answered the phone instead
I drove to pick up a friend
We stopped for a burger
I arrive at home
Only to find myself tired
I decide to lay for a nap
But my mind races on and on
I think of my list of things to do
And places I'd rather be
I find my day flies by
Even though the hours are so long
I get up to grab something
And notice something new
I sit down elsewhere
But what was my original task?
I can't sit for too long
Or stand in line
I love to talk
And struggle to hear your words
I'm quick on my toes
I work best under pressure
Don't pressure me
I don't know the time
I'll make it through the day
And somehow it'll all get done
I'd rather go for a run
I take hours to read a page
I can play guitar all day
I might forget to call
I get to work just in time
Customers love me
I finish my assignment in the AM
After being up all night
Somehow I'll graduate
And maybe start a career
I'll have my own kids
And drive my spouse crazy
All the chores will get done
In my own time
written march 26 2008 on my own time
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Out into Nothing
I used to sit on the beach and look out into the lake and see no end
I used to think there was no end, the water didn't meet an edge
Now I stand to the ocean, looking as far as I can see
Yet this time I know there is an end
And this time, there stands a friend
Looking out into nothing, wondering where the edge meets
The edge meets at me, looking to the same sky
Living in a dream
written march 23 2008 sams.
I used to think there was no end, the water didn't meet an edge
Now I stand to the ocean, looking as far as I can see
Yet this time I know there is an end
And this time, there stands a friend
Looking out into nothing, wondering where the edge meets
The edge meets at me, looking to the same sky
Living in a dream
written march 23 2008 sams.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
on unhappiness
I had a presentation in my acting class today. It was a scene from Tartuffe- a scene spoken in rhyme. I had to have a temper tantrum in the scene, and for some reason I had a problem with this. I was told to have fun with the scene; to let go; to be the brat the character was. Oddly, I don't know how to be a brat or how to have a temper tantrum...oh, but this is acting, see- I had to pretend. I felt constraint- if I let out all that emotion, what would possibly come out? I didn't practice the tantrum. I knew the lines inside out and my partner and I worked on the scene, hours total; however, the tantrum I decided to improvise. Simple enough, isn't it? I improvise many things- life's an improvisation, isn't it? I pulled it off, and not quite sure how it turned out for the audience's perspective, but the humour in a tantrum came out... somehow.
After class my professor asked me to go talk to her when I had a chance. I had some time after class, so I went. I figured it was about the scene. I was nervous, actually. It doesn't really matter how much you practice a scene or how well you know your lines, you never really know what the end product will be. How can a piece of art be judged anyway? Who is to say what is good and what is bad? I mean, clearly some work can show the obvious- but how does one develop the right to judge your work? Is it a right or is it a skill? How do you do you develop the skill to judge your own work? I don't know if I ever can. I can look at a piece of work and know what I liked or what I thought worked and even what I would do if it were my piece. Does that mean I am right or that I have the skill to judge work- to judge my own work? Why is always about judgment...
She sat at her desk and I sat across; nothing uncommon, I've sat there plenty of times. She has taught me before and I TA one of her classes so it seems to be a regular occurance. She asked me if I could relax. She was right, I was sitting pretty tense; I loosened up a bit. "No," she said. "In general."
What do you say to that? I chose to say nothing. I just listened. She explained she didn't really think through what she was going to say to me, so I fed her one of her famous lines:
Don't think. Just speak.
When you look at that by itself, it can seem dangerous. Vulnerable. Naked.
In one sentence she said to me that she did not know me very well. In another five minutes she read me like a book. She thought I was unhappy. She believed it was part of coming back from being away somewhere great.
I listened.
It is one thing to be unhappy.
It is a completely different thing when you are obviously unhappy to others.
Do I wear a sign that says unhappy? Could it possibly be that obvious to her through my acting? She said good acting comes from a happy actor. That's enough to ponder on by itself. Did that mean my acting wasn't good? She did only say positive feedback. How can you just make yourself happy? Where does she get the right to judge my acting? Where does she get the right to judge my happiness? I suppose I could have my own tantrum, but the truth is she is right.
I have felt genuine happiness before. Contentment. Bliss. In knowing that, I know I feel genuinely unhappy. How does that work for a generally happy person?
It doesn’t.
Where do the emotions of sadness, confusion and anger come from? How is it present with joy, contentment and love? On the surface I am happy; but somewhere my soul is crying and I don't know how to console it. I thought I had it figured out. I spent a year away living life. Learning how to struggle and how to understand myself; how to define myself. I was away and I feared coming back because I knew I got something from being away, and returning would find me desperately holding onto what it was I discovered in a world that had no idea. I learned to trust myself ad that the unknown was something to embrace not to fear. I learned how to relax and how to breathe. I learned how to see beauty, enjoy beauty and create beauty. I learned how be an inspiration and now I feel the need to seek inspiration. I grieve. Not for leaving somewhere amazing, but for losing the person I found while I was there. The person that found happiness and provided happiness for others through that. The person that knows the importance of doing what makes you happy. The person that found love, not with a companion, but with life; with self. I seek to discover it all over again; yet I know it's not to go somewhere else to find it- it is to find it from within. It has not been lost, it has been buried. Buried in a world that only knows time and competition. A world running from something and into nothing, never knowing the in between. I hate this world. It's not me and it's not the person I discovered- the me crying inside.
I thought I was strong enough to hold onto it. I thought I had my head on straight to know I am powerful enough to be an inspiration. I am powerful enough to be the person I am meant to be. I felt myself slowly losing hold of it. I cried for help and no one knew how to understand; how to help. I began to conform to this world of time and deadlines and dates and unloved work. How could I do that to myself? And I am asked if I am unhappy.
No. I am devastated.
My head feels lighter. My breathing falls deeper; slower.
In choice, why do we choose to live a life we don't love?
I found myself falling into a routine; into a line of herd, becoming another face in the crowd; another number on the computer. Days have been passing by me, filled with work that needs to be done for the next day. I sleep, but when I sleep I am more awake than when my eyes are open. I fall into a world of dreams and close my eyes to the sounds of water rippling into shore and falling back into the ocean- the ocean I see and taste when my eyes are closed. Then my eyes open to the repetitive clock that screams over and over until I turn it off and decide to wake and to walk as though I have already died.
I found love in acting. My world woke me up when I was acting, but then I was told: Good acting comes from a happy actor. The one thing I do to make me happy can only be done well if I am happy. Perhaps that means I found love where I am meant to be- where I find happiness. Yet, it is not enough. I find myself acting all the time. I find myself acting happy when there is no stage. But the truth is I'm not very good. I'm a horrible liar and the only person I seemed to have fooled was myself.
I still don't know if the presentation went well. I don’t know how to judge my own work. I don’t know how to uncover the emotions I suppress- the unhappiness that hides is revealed to the people around me.
I am given advice to do the things I love to do. I went to the gym today. I bought myself some chocolate. I had a long, hot shower. I ate some pasta. I talked to a good friend. I sat to do some work. I stopped. I started writing. I cried.
I found myself tightening muscles that really need to learn how to be loose. I ate chocolate and then I ate too much. I enjoyed my shower, but had too much pasta. I miss my friends. I really don’t like to do work and I felt guilty not accomplishing anything. I’m still writing. I can finally take a deep breath, even though my eyes are puffy.
But I smile.
Today I discovered unhappiness.
Tomorrow I find happiness.
And right now I am happy to know I feel.
And maybe that's just me acting again.
written February 12, 2008 at 11 pm, no time.
After class my professor asked me to go talk to her when I had a chance. I had some time after class, so I went. I figured it was about the scene. I was nervous, actually. It doesn't really matter how much you practice a scene or how well you know your lines, you never really know what the end product will be. How can a piece of art be judged anyway? Who is to say what is good and what is bad? I mean, clearly some work can show the obvious- but how does one develop the right to judge your work? Is it a right or is it a skill? How do you do you develop the skill to judge your own work? I don't know if I ever can. I can look at a piece of work and know what I liked or what I thought worked and even what I would do if it were my piece. Does that mean I am right or that I have the skill to judge work- to judge my own work? Why is always about judgment...
She sat at her desk and I sat across; nothing uncommon, I've sat there plenty of times. She has taught me before and I TA one of her classes so it seems to be a regular occurance. She asked me if I could relax. She was right, I was sitting pretty tense; I loosened up a bit. "No," she said. "In general."
What do you say to that? I chose to say nothing. I just listened. She explained she didn't really think through what she was going to say to me, so I fed her one of her famous lines:
Don't think. Just speak.
When you look at that by itself, it can seem dangerous. Vulnerable. Naked.
In one sentence she said to me that she did not know me very well. In another five minutes she read me like a book. She thought I was unhappy. She believed it was part of coming back from being away somewhere great.
I listened.
It is one thing to be unhappy.
It is a completely different thing when you are obviously unhappy to others.
Do I wear a sign that says unhappy? Could it possibly be that obvious to her through my acting? She said good acting comes from a happy actor. That's enough to ponder on by itself. Did that mean my acting wasn't good? She did only say positive feedback. How can you just make yourself happy? Where does she get the right to judge my acting? Where does she get the right to judge my happiness? I suppose I could have my own tantrum, but the truth is she is right.
I have felt genuine happiness before. Contentment. Bliss. In knowing that, I know I feel genuinely unhappy. How does that work for a generally happy person?
It doesn’t.
Where do the emotions of sadness, confusion and anger come from? How is it present with joy, contentment and love? On the surface I am happy; but somewhere my soul is crying and I don't know how to console it. I thought I had it figured out. I spent a year away living life. Learning how to struggle and how to understand myself; how to define myself. I was away and I feared coming back because I knew I got something from being away, and returning would find me desperately holding onto what it was I discovered in a world that had no idea. I learned to trust myself ad that the unknown was something to embrace not to fear. I learned how to relax and how to breathe. I learned how to see beauty, enjoy beauty and create beauty. I learned how be an inspiration and now I feel the need to seek inspiration. I grieve. Not for leaving somewhere amazing, but for losing the person I found while I was there. The person that found happiness and provided happiness for others through that. The person that knows the importance of doing what makes you happy. The person that found love, not with a companion, but with life; with self. I seek to discover it all over again; yet I know it's not to go somewhere else to find it- it is to find it from within. It has not been lost, it has been buried. Buried in a world that only knows time and competition. A world running from something and into nothing, never knowing the in between. I hate this world. It's not me and it's not the person I discovered- the me crying inside.
I thought I was strong enough to hold onto it. I thought I had my head on straight to know I am powerful enough to be an inspiration. I am powerful enough to be the person I am meant to be. I felt myself slowly losing hold of it. I cried for help and no one knew how to understand; how to help. I began to conform to this world of time and deadlines and dates and unloved work. How could I do that to myself? And I am asked if I am unhappy.
No. I am devastated.
My head feels lighter. My breathing falls deeper; slower.
In choice, why do we choose to live a life we don't love?
I found myself falling into a routine; into a line of herd, becoming another face in the crowd; another number on the computer. Days have been passing by me, filled with work that needs to be done for the next day. I sleep, but when I sleep I am more awake than when my eyes are open. I fall into a world of dreams and close my eyes to the sounds of water rippling into shore and falling back into the ocean- the ocean I see and taste when my eyes are closed. Then my eyes open to the repetitive clock that screams over and over until I turn it off and decide to wake and to walk as though I have already died.
I found love in acting. My world woke me up when I was acting, but then I was told: Good acting comes from a happy actor. The one thing I do to make me happy can only be done well if I am happy. Perhaps that means I found love where I am meant to be- where I find happiness. Yet, it is not enough. I find myself acting all the time. I find myself acting happy when there is no stage. But the truth is I'm not very good. I'm a horrible liar and the only person I seemed to have fooled was myself.
I still don't know if the presentation went well. I don’t know how to judge my own work. I don’t know how to uncover the emotions I suppress- the unhappiness that hides is revealed to the people around me.
I am given advice to do the things I love to do. I went to the gym today. I bought myself some chocolate. I had a long, hot shower. I ate some pasta. I talked to a good friend. I sat to do some work. I stopped. I started writing. I cried.
I found myself tightening muscles that really need to learn how to be loose. I ate chocolate and then I ate too much. I enjoyed my shower, but had too much pasta. I miss my friends. I really don’t like to do work and I felt guilty not accomplishing anything. I’m still writing. I can finally take a deep breath, even though my eyes are puffy.
But I smile.
Today I discovered unhappiness.
Tomorrow I find happiness.
And right now I am happy to know I feel.
And maybe that's just me acting again.
written February 12, 2008 at 11 pm, no time.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
In my mother's eyes
She lives in freedom. She has passion in her eyes. Her heart leads her in the direction she chooses to go. Each step she takes with dignity and devotion; effortlessly, she glides, as though she is not stepping at all.
She tosses her hair out of her face. It blows over her shoulder, revealing her eyes.
You are captured.
The journey begins as she leads you through a trance. It could last a moment; it could last a lifetime, but her impact is engraved forever.
She engulfs you in her love through her soothing voice, gentle touch or perhaps merely her presence. In her eyes you are lost, yet found simultaneously, completed in some way, left feeling soothed and content.
In her eyes I see the places she has been and the person she has become. I see her footprints and I leap to each one in hopes to land where she has- in hopes to sore where she has.
Her divine love has molded the person I am. She has nourished me with strength, courage and faith. She does not lead. She does not follow. Instead she walks beside me, providing guidance and friendship I can turn to no other to provide.
Her smile reflects true beauty, radiating love and compassion.
She is an angel sent to change the lives of many.
She is an angel of divine love and she is beautiful.
In my mother’s eyes, I see the person I desire to become.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
on figuring out how to let go...
Some days I'd like to think I have it all figured out.
Other days I realize I have absolutely no idea.
I'm surrounded by people who have a plan. Friends are graduating. They have applied for teacher's college or a masters program to continue their education. Plans range from getting married to travelling or looking forward to a job lined up. In fact, some have already begun their career, making money I can't comprehend.
I sit back and I look at each individual and smile. I listen to their stories and their plans, I see them growing more and more into the person they are meant to be; choosing paths that are so right for them. I am happy to witness and I am so proud.
As I watch the people around me continuing into the next stages in their lives, I sit back and realize I am an observer. What's next for me? I can't look beyond next week, let alone come up with something for my future. I was always asked what I wanted to be when I grow up... but I never actually thought the time to grow up would ever exist.
I am a dreamer.
I desire big things and my romantic mantality believes they will exist. But how does a dreamer live in the real world? A world that needs a plan; an answer; a pay cheque? How can I let go of all the constraints and allow my body to flow in the everyday motions and not just in my head of dreams. How does a care-free attitude become the actions of someone who cares somewhat too much? If I could float in my every step and become untouchable to the pressure and force to be a certain way and make a certain decision; I may conquer the dreams into my reality. How is it so easily lost? As though my entire life has had such extreme importance on something so magical and suddenly a time comes and it means nothing but a dream?
It makes my soul shed tears.
The thought to ever let go of them... I just don't think it exists to me. Is this what happens when people grow up? They fall into "the next step" and lose sight of what they really want? Or am I the only one struggling- to be one way or to be the person I am meant to be. Different. Devine.
Oh how a fork has more than one spoke- it's not just a decision between two. This is my life and I get to choose how to live it. Everyone around me is worried about what I am going to do next and I seemed to be the only one without a fret. Suddenly, I'm questioning and wondering and worrying what is it I am meant to do? Where did my tranquility disappear to?
My decisions should be made based on what can I do that brings the most enjoyment to me and allows me to be the most powerful and empowering I can be. When am I most happy and most challenged? Why am I afraid of it? What do I need to let go of that keeps me tight and constrained?
I need to let it go.
Allow me to be free; to be open; to be true. May I be led by my heart and my soul to do the things I am meant to do. Oh how education in a book is important, but the learning to acquire in the world is not captured with words. May I be taught in ways writers can never have the language to describe. May I soak in the world and simutaneously hold the world in my hands. Allow me to follow my heart, for once in my life, I must allow myself to be vulnerable, safe and free. I will be surrounded by love as I accomplish the desires I love to dream into my life.
And I will choose to love life.
written February 2 2008 3:40am my time. my life.
Other days I realize I have absolutely no idea.
I'm surrounded by people who have a plan. Friends are graduating. They have applied for teacher's college or a masters program to continue their education. Plans range from getting married to travelling or looking forward to a job lined up. In fact, some have already begun their career, making money I can't comprehend.
I sit back and I look at each individual and smile. I listen to their stories and their plans, I see them growing more and more into the person they are meant to be; choosing paths that are so right for them. I am happy to witness and I am so proud.
As I watch the people around me continuing into the next stages in their lives, I sit back and realize I am an observer. What's next for me? I can't look beyond next week, let alone come up with something for my future. I was always asked what I wanted to be when I grow up... but I never actually thought the time to grow up would ever exist.
I am a dreamer.
I desire big things and my romantic mantality believes they will exist. But how does a dreamer live in the real world? A world that needs a plan; an answer; a pay cheque? How can I let go of all the constraints and allow my body to flow in the everyday motions and not just in my head of dreams. How does a care-free attitude become the actions of someone who cares somewhat too much? If I could float in my every step and become untouchable to the pressure and force to be a certain way and make a certain decision; I may conquer the dreams into my reality. How is it so easily lost? As though my entire life has had such extreme importance on something so magical and suddenly a time comes and it means nothing but a dream?
It makes my soul shed tears.
The thought to ever let go of them... I just don't think it exists to me. Is this what happens when people grow up? They fall into "the next step" and lose sight of what they really want? Or am I the only one struggling- to be one way or to be the person I am meant to be. Different. Devine.
Oh how a fork has more than one spoke- it's not just a decision between two. This is my life and I get to choose how to live it. Everyone around me is worried about what I am going to do next and I seemed to be the only one without a fret. Suddenly, I'm questioning and wondering and worrying what is it I am meant to do? Where did my tranquility disappear to?
My decisions should be made based on what can I do that brings the most enjoyment to me and allows me to be the most powerful and empowering I can be. When am I most happy and most challenged? Why am I afraid of it? What do I need to let go of that keeps me tight and constrained?
I need to let it go.
Allow me to be free; to be open; to be true. May I be led by my heart and my soul to do the things I am meant to do. Oh how education in a book is important, but the learning to acquire in the world is not captured with words. May I be taught in ways writers can never have the language to describe. May I soak in the world and simutaneously hold the world in my hands. Allow me to follow my heart, for once in my life, I must allow myself to be vulnerable, safe and free. I will be surrounded by love as I accomplish the desires I love to dream into my life.
And I will choose to love life.
written February 2 2008 3:40am my time. my life.
Monday, January 21, 2008
on existing
I have been told the only way we exist is through what we say about ourselves and what others say about us.
So please note...
I am a dreamer
a lover, a teacher, a hero
I am a peacemaker
a child, a fighter, a sister
I am a learner
a student, a daughter, a neighbor
I am a friend
a cousin, a grand-daughter, a thinker
I am an inspiration
an actor, a server, a romantic
I am a woman
a stranger, a face, a mystery
I am an angel
a watcher, an observer, a participant
I am a leader
a teammate, a worker, a pon
I am a princess
a hippy, a jock, a dancer
I am an artist
a driver, a writer, a director
I am a human
a runner, an athlete, a psycho
I am a comedian
a stone, a listener, a saint
I am a liar but a joker
and so I exist.
So please note...
I am a dreamer
a lover, a teacher, a hero
I am a peacemaker
a child, a fighter, a sister
I am a learner
a student, a daughter, a neighbor
I am a friend
a cousin, a grand-daughter, a thinker
I am an inspiration
an actor, a server, a romantic
I am a woman
a stranger, a face, a mystery
I am an angel
a watcher, an observer, a participant
I am a leader
a teammate, a worker, a pon
I am a princess
a hippy, a jock, a dancer
I am an artist
a driver, a writer, a director
I am a human
a runner, an athlete, a psycho
I am a comedian
a stone, a listener, a saint
I am a liar but a joker
and so I exist.
The Recipe of Forgiveness
To look beyond the deed and into the eyes of the beholder.
To recognize the hurt as pain of impossibility.
To stand again, looking face to face.
To learn longer breaths.
To release tension.
I stand before you. Fully aware of your capabilities of harm. I am a survivor of your war. I have learned to hate and I have learned to love.
I have to learned to hate love;
yet to crave every aspect of it.
Every touch and every taste. Every memory that soaks into my soul.
The recipe of forgiveness that those who eat, beg for more. Forgiveness that is cooked time and time again; for those to swallow and race to intake the last piece.
Once again I am here. My oven roasting from fire I have burnt inside. Fire which falls of tears could never put out. Fire that I can only turn off with the completed masterpiece of forgiveness.
How difficult it is to gather the ingredients. The pain and damage; the recognition of love and the denial of hate. The fear to hope that the recipe will no longer be needed with continuous practice to know through memory. The strength to stand. The motivation to begin again. The memory never forgotten; only easier to recall.
Do not second guess the ingredient of love; for no taste can be considered perfection without the most important ingredient of love.
I sigh. I inhale the smell of the recipe. Intake a long, smooth breath of air. I pause and slowly release the bitter hatred; the tension and the pain.
Finally I am cured.
The recipe applies to you and to me, as it must be tasted to reach perfection. And perfection is only to strive for, becoming closer and closer each time your favourite recipe enters the oven to cook.
Bring me to my feet.
Open my eyes. Breathe.
I sleep in peace.
The recipe of forgiveness is forever fulfilling.
written: Monday, august 14, 2006; but always applicable.
To recognize the hurt as pain of impossibility.
To stand again, looking face to face.
To learn longer breaths.
To release tension.
I stand before you. Fully aware of your capabilities of harm. I am a survivor of your war. I have learned to hate and I have learned to love.
I have to learned to hate love;
yet to crave every aspect of it.
Every touch and every taste. Every memory that soaks into my soul.
The recipe of forgiveness that those who eat, beg for more. Forgiveness that is cooked time and time again; for those to swallow and race to intake the last piece.
Once again I am here. My oven roasting from fire I have burnt inside. Fire which falls of tears could never put out. Fire that I can only turn off with the completed masterpiece of forgiveness.
How difficult it is to gather the ingredients. The pain and damage; the recognition of love and the denial of hate. The fear to hope that the recipe will no longer be needed with continuous practice to know through memory. The strength to stand. The motivation to begin again. The memory never forgotten; only easier to recall.
Do not second guess the ingredient of love; for no taste can be considered perfection without the most important ingredient of love.
I sigh. I inhale the smell of the recipe. Intake a long, smooth breath of air. I pause and slowly release the bitter hatred; the tension and the pain.
Finally I am cured.
The recipe applies to you and to me, as it must be tasted to reach perfection. And perfection is only to strive for, becoming closer and closer each time your favourite recipe enters the oven to cook.
Bring me to my feet.
Open my eyes. Breathe.
I sleep in peace.
The recipe of forgiveness is forever fulfilling.
written: Monday, august 14, 2006; but always applicable.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
On Nimbin
I went to Nimbin for a day
Took my troubles far away
Felt my body heat right up
Was a volcano to erupt
Let the sun soak on in
Let us take a ride
Up and Up, round and round
For the first time I'm alive
Just Fred and I
Climbing higher than high
Together in this land
Crazy thoughts we'll understand
I have followed the light
I'm at the gates of rights
Jesus here with me
In heaven to be free
yesterday nimbin, november 26-2007
Took my troubles far away
Felt my body heat right up
Was a volcano to erupt
Let the sun soak on in
Let us take a ride
Up and Up, round and round
For the first time I'm alive
Just Fred and I
Climbing higher than high
Together in this land
Crazy thoughts we'll understand
I have followed the light
I'm at the gates of rights
Jesus here with me
In heaven to be free
yesterday nimbin, november 26-2007
Ring of Dreams
Pass on the dream
From me onto you
I needed it to look at
But now I know it's true
To dream, to strive, to conquer
The world's at our hands
Look to your ring, remember
You can travel many lands
It's there as a symbol
Until you put it down
You'll realise you don't need it
Reality of your dreams is 'round
From me onto you
I needed it to look at
But now I know it's true
To dream, to strive, to conquer
The world's at our hands
Look to your ring, remember
You can travel many lands
It's there as a symbol
Until you put it down
You'll realise you don't need it
Reality of your dreams is 'round
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